(W) Brandon Graham, Simon Roy (A) Grim Wilkins & Various (CA) Brandon Graham
The final issue of the far-future, science-fiction clone epic.
(W) Brandon Graham, Simon Roy (A) Grim Wilkins & Various (CA) Brandon Graham
The final issue of the far-future, science-fiction clone epic.
(W) Brandon Graham, Simon Roy (A) Ron Ackins (CA) Giannis Milonogiannis
The second chapter of the final PROPHET series. A three-armed empire general seeks an alien artifact that the Earth mothers wish to keep hidden.
(W) Brandon Graham (A) Giannis Milonogiannis
THE EPIC CONCLUSION TO PROPHET BEGINS HERE! A clone general goes against his Brain-Mother overlords to gain control of an alien egg. Start of the final six issue mini-series.
Cover Art by Simon Roy
(W) Ed Brisson (A) Simon Roy
Our protagonist faces down Christian, the ex-bible salesman turned hedonist, to find out what's really going on. The Smoke Eaters square off against the Tomorrow Men for the right to kill our plucky hero. Blood! Murder! Mayhem! Bikers and cosplayers fighting to the death!
(W) Ed Brisson (A) Simon Roy
A man wakes in a field wearing nothing but his underwear. He's got no idea who he is or how he got there. His only connection to the outside world is a cell phone that receives mysterious texts warning him of impending danger. Danger like Christian, an ex-Bible salesman in the middle of a crime spree fueled by Christian Rock, dirty sex, meth, murder, and keeping this underwear-clad, nameless, and past-less man close by his side.
From the writer of Sheltered and the artist of Prophet comes a new thriller with overtones of 'Old Boy' and 'Breaking Bad' as well as a weird, almost naked amnesiac dude thrown in for good measure! Simon Roy has been absolutely killing it on both 'Prophet' and his recent book 'Jan's Atomic Heart,' and with his fantastic sense of light and color, this is sure to be one hell of a ride! Brisson has also achieved some success with his recent movie/tv deal thing for 'Sheltered,' so don't miss out on what may be the next Hollywood blockbuster!
(W/A) Simon Roy
From the mind of Simon Roy, co-writer and artist of the Eisner Award-nominated series PROPHET, comes a collection of tales that span time, space, and species.
Waaaaaay back in 2009 before Simon blew up with his amazing work on Prophet, he was just another cartoonist from Vancouver making bad ass sci-fi comics that not many people would ever see. I remember the day when we got in the original 'Jan's Atomic Heart' and thinking, "Holy sh*t, this guy is gonna be big!" Simon's art was definitely the first thing that stood out, especially his ability to use light and shadow, even without color, but what really hit me was the story. The poignant way in which he delved into the characters, especailly the feeling of what it is like to be a human in a robot body was quite moving and when set against the backdrop of a bleak, russian-esque sc-fi world, well...yeah..happy place. Highly recommended for all fans of Brandon Graham's work or just great euro style sci-fi in general!
Ok, and I also have to do a small shout out for Brandon's new book, "Empowered Special #6: Internal Medicine' which he is working on with the highly talented Adam Warren! For fans of sexy girl manga anime awesomeness (and puns) it's a match made in heaven!!
The distant future war continues, Old man Prophet is awake now and searching across the universe for old allies that have survived the centuries since the last war.
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