From the far away land of the Netherlands comes 3 mini comics chock full of He-Man, werewolves in clothes washers and other hillarious nonsense! Written and drawn by Steven Kraan, these are great little gems of stupidity that are sure to bring a smile to your face!
More stuff to laugh at:
(W/A) Steven Kraan
#1 - This booklet is a collection of twenty three comics. Twelve old ones and eleven brand new comics which have never been published before. A limited first edition of eighty booklets, presented in full colour. Start your day with this very first home made drawing daily booklet. It is not without its flaws, but it still looks smashing. The size of the booklet is A6, twenty four pages, laserprinted on 160g/m2 paper. Nothing left to say but: enjoy!
#2 - Bearded men, astronauts, fathers, Smurfs, bunny tattoos, Jesus, flying laser skulls, Tom Cruise, a dancing cockroach and many more. Twenty three comics of which eleven are brand new. Limited first edition of seventy five booklets, brought to you in full colour. A6 booklet size, twenty four pages, laser printed on 160g/m2 paper. Even better than the first booklet!
#3 - The third drawing daily anthology is the best drawing daily anthology ever made so far. Why decribe it, if you can buy it and see it for yourself. A delicious mixture of classic oldies and brand newies. Only 50 copies are being printed. 24 pages with 23 comics.