Forty years is no joke. Grinding it out, day after day, eight hours at a time doing anything is hard--but it's doubly difficult when you're talking comics. Glamorous though it may seem from the outside, the true life of a comic retailer is a never ending evolution of reinvention that few have the constitution to withstand. Just take a look at how few comic shops there are now compared to fifteen years ago. Hell, ten years ago! This is not a forgiving business, and, as a retailer, we bear the brunt of the risk when it comes to stocking publisher's products. Guessing at what will sell, figuring out how to market that which doesn't, gambling with thousands of dollars a month…this life is not for everybody, but for those able to roll with the punches, a successful comic shop is like the home away from home every geek wishes they could build.

Thankfully for all of us, Perry Plush is that kind of man and we get to benefit from the magical place on 3rd Ave that we've come to know as Zanadu Comics. So please, help us celebrate this monumental achievement by stopping by on Wednesday, August 26th. Let us know why you keep coming back to Zanadu, and grab a piece of birthday cake and a free comic while you're at it (while supplies last).

From all of us at Zanadu, thank you so, so, so much for your patronage over the years and know that we would not be here without your continued support.
Here's to another 40 years!!